Raffle Tickets for the 2024 Annual Benefit
can be purchased in the community at the following locations:
Aunt Diana's in Riverside
Mary's Morning Mixup in Brookfield
Tickets are $20 each or 3 for $50
Tickets can also be purchased through Zelle
from October 31, 2023 thru March 15, 2024
Send your raffle ticket payment to
[email protected]
(Click the logo below to get the app)
Please make sure to send a second email with your contact information for your tickets!
Thank you for your continued support, we hope you win!
Please make checks payable to: The RBEF c/o Riverside Brookfield High School 160 Ridgewood Rd. Riverside, IL 60546 |
If you wish to donate to a specific scholarship, please write your choice on the "memo" line on your check.
Scholarships Offered:
Otto Haack Memorial Scholarship
Warren Heindl Scholarship
Kristen Fuerst Scholarship
Julie Morley Memorial Scholarship
Robert Hegner Memorial Scholarship
John Passarella Spirit Award
Thank you for your donation!
Your personal or corporate contribution to the Foundation does make a difference. All donations are gratefully received. Some donors prefer to make gifts equivalent to cash (gift-in-kind) such as real estate, securities, life insurance, or other personal property. Gifts can be made in tribute to RB teachers or students or to honor a friend or loved one.
Riverside Brookfield Educational Foundation ©2017